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Cockatiel age: what is the average age of a cockatiel?

Cockatiels are native to the semi-arid regions of Australia. In the wild, the average age of a cockatiel is about 10-14 years. These are intelligent and social birds that mate for life and enjoy being with others of their kind. These sociable birds get plenty of exercise while doing their bird shopping. They are generally busy foraging for food and caring for their families. Living in the wild, while immensely rewarding, also comes with deadly threats from predators.

In captivity, cockatiels can live an average of 5-10 years longer than their wild counterparts, depending on the bird’s care and emotional state. It has been confirmed that the oldest cockatiel lived to be 29 years old.

Cockatiel lifespan

Cockatiels can live between 15 and 20 years. This depends on their environment and care. If they are well cared for and have a healthy lifestyle, they can live longer. It is important to ensure they have enough food, water, exercise and social interaction to improve their quality of life. It is also important to regularly monitor the bird’s health and look for signs of illness or conditions.

What is important to increase the cockatiel’s age span?


If the cockatiel is a caged bird, it should fly no less than twice a day. A good tip is to teach him to stand on your finger first. Feed or give him his favorite treat in his cage after his exercise. This will entice him to return easily. Keep in mind that a cockatiel can fly within a short time after having its feathers trimmed. Cockatiels need wings more often than other parrots.

Annual visit to the vet

A vet visit once a year is necessary to maintain a healthy bird. Topics that you may not have considered important about the bird’s health can be discussed. This will make you more aware of what to look out for and hopefully prevent possible illness. Some signs to look out for include the following: feathers that are fluffed for a long time, change in feces for more than two days, sneezing or discharge from the nose or mouth, weight loss and loss of appetite. Sitting on the bottom of the cage for a long time is a clear sign of unwellness. The cockatiel’s age will definitely be shortened if proper attention is not paid to its health.

Egg binding and chronic egg laying are the main health problems of female cockatiels. Because these conditions severely deplete her body of calcium and other necessary minerals, she should be fed a healthy low-fat diet fortified with calcium. If she is fed a seed-only diet that is high in fat, she will be prone to fatty liver disease. A cuttlebone is a good source of dietary calcium. It normally comes with a set of clips that attach to the side of the cage. Another option is to secure it with a plastic tie. If the bird shows no interest, break off some small pieces and put them in the feeder. Another method is to grind the cuttlebone with a mortar and pestle and mix it with the food.

General care

Place the cage close to where you and your family often gather. Cockatiels like to be the center of activity. Please note that they are sensitive to smoke, gases, odors and drafts. Place them away from the kitchen and windows.

Be vigilant and alert to even the slightest changes regarding behavior and feces. Cockatiels are affectionate birds that will take you in as their family. If you are away for an extended period of time, you will be missed. This occurrence and lack of attention can cause depression. One way to tell a cockatiel’s mood is by its crest feathers. Upright crest feathers could mean he is interested in something or suddenly startled. When he is unhappy or defensive, the feathers are flattened. He can even hiss. Slightly held back crest feathers with puffed cheeks is synonymous with a feeling of contentment.

Eating pattern

In the wild, cockatiels eat a wide variety of foods. Mimic this natural diet to keep the bird interested and healthy. The main component of the feeding plan should be 75% good quality commercial cockatiel pellets and 25% commercial birdseed. Supplements to any diet are always beneficial. Since they can be picky at times, they offer fresh fruits and vegetables. These should not exceed 20% of the total diet. Be sure to shred or cut these fresh foods into small pieces.

Spinach, lettuce, grapes and apples seem to be cockatiels’ favorites. Also try melon, kiwi, berries and papaya. Feel free to rotate these choices and give them every other day or so. Millet spray and honey sticks are excellent treats to give about once a month. The most important thing is that you provide clean filtered drinking water every day. Do not place a perch over a water dish as the feces are likely to end up there.

Below is a list of prohibited foods that should never be offered because they are extremely toxic to cockatiels:

  • avocado
  • alcohol
  • chocolate
  • eggplant
  • cabbage
  • caffeine (tea and coffee)
  • milk and cream
  • raw potato
  • rhubarb (all parts, including leaves)

Also, do not allow your cockatiel access to any part of one houseplant.

Housing and toys

cockatiel long life

It is imperative to choose a cage that is at least twice the size of the bird’s wingspan. Cockatiels thrive in pairs, increasing the average age of the cockatiel. Adjust the size of the cage to their needs and comfort. Use different perches at different heights and thicknesses. Different perch textures help keep feet healthy.

There are a wide variety of toys on the market that are specifically made for cockatiels. The average age of this bird can be extended by the amount of joy and interest in life it experiences. Cockatiels love to chew and fiddle with various objects made of wood, cardboard and paper. Hiding treats in a small paper box will be entertaining for both the cockatiel and you. Males like a few mirrors or reflective objects. New toys that are challenging and engaging should be presented as replacements for older toys. This makes the cage a comfortable home and a nice place to live.

Although the average lifespan of the cockatiel in captivity is approximately 20 years, the quality of life and companionship for these endearing birds can be extended even longer with loving care. If you’ve adopted your bird and are curious about how old he might be, do some research How to determine the age of a cockatiel. Being informed is crucial to being a good pet owner.



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